
A python version of XTEA

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Python XTEA

This is an XTEA-Cipher implementation in Python (eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm).

XTEA is a blockcipher with 8 bytes blocksize and 16 bytes Keysize (128-Bit). The algorithm is secure at 2014 with the recommend 64 rounds (32 cycles). This implementation supports following modes of operation: ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR It also supports CBC-MAC.

The implementation is PEP-272 compliant and is in the public domain.


>>> from xtea import *
>>> key = " "*16  # Never use this key
>>> text = "This is a text. "*8
>>> x = new(key, mode=MODE_OFB, IV="12345678")
>>> c = x.encrypt(text)
>>> text == x.decrypt(c)


I does NOT guarantee that this implementation (or the base cipher) is secure. If there are bugs, tell me them please.